Foreword To I Ching Integration


The I Ching (often translated as "Book of Changes") is an ancient Chinese text. It has no single author; wise men chipped in their wisdom over the ages.

The I Ching describes a system by which one could understand the nature of all things. It leans on the practical side, as it is also an elaborate divination system.

The metaphysical grounds the I Ching uses seems quite relativistic: the whole system is based on paired opposites (yin and yang), and it emphasizes the fact that all is change.

The I Ching attempts to provide us with a map of concepts to help us notice and observe the constant changes in the fabric of the multiverse - which is not separate from ourselves.

It seems to me that by extending the I Ching system it could be used for a variety of purposes, not just divination:

The I Ching already has a sturdy framework, the binary numerical system. Binary code seems to be the lowest common denominator; simple, yet arbitrarily complex.

Similar to languages, it has a map of concepts, and the possibility to expand them.

Similar to western metaphysical/magic systems, by its structure it has rules or tools that can be used to further one's insights.

Similar to eastern philosophy, it presents a context of ideas which can be used to develop oneself from within.

The I Ching system seems to be the most promising example for successfully integrating these various uses.

This is quite a big goal, and I'm pretty clueless on how to go about it.

Nevertheless, the writings that follow present some of the ideas that may or may not be useful in achieving this goal of integration.


Aeria Gloris / I Ching Integration / Foreword to I Ching Integration