

A quadgram is a gram with four lines. Each of the four lines can be either broken (0) or full (1).

There are 16 possible quadgrams.

Additional information:

Binary name:

0000 - 0001 - 0010 - 0011
0100 - 0101 - 0110 - 0111
1000 - 1001 - 1010 - 1011
1100 - 1101 - 1110 - 1111

Name used:

gemstone - magma - metal - sand
coal - blaze - char - wildfire
liquid - river - lake - rain
vapor - thunder - cloud - gale


earth of earth - fire of earth - water of earth - air of earth
earth of fire - fire of fire - water of fire - air of fire
earth of water - fire of water - water of water - air of water
earth of air - fire of air - water of air - air of air

yin of stone - yang of stone - yin of spark - yang of spark
yin of vortex - yang of vortex - yin of flame - yang of flame
yin of pond - yang of pond - yin of volcano - yang of volcano
yin of droplet - yang of droplet - yin of wind - yang of wind

stone of yin - spark of yin - vortex of yin - flame of yin
pond of yin - volcano of yin - droplet of yin - wind of yin
stone of yang - spark of yang - vortex of yang - flame of yang
pond of yang - volcano of yang - droplet of yang - wind of yang

Mapping examples:

0000 - 0001 - 0010 - 0011
0100 - 0101 - 0110 - 0111
1000 - 1001 - 1010 - 1011
1100 - 1101 - 1110 - 1111

gemstone - magma - metal - sand
coal - blaze - char - wildfire
liquid - river - lake - rain
vapor - thunder - cloud - gale

(the court cards of the minor arcana in tarot)
page of pentacles - knight of pentacles - queen of pentacles - king of pentacles
page of wands - knight of wands - queen of wands - king of wands
page of cups - knight of cups - queen of cups - king of cups
page of swords - knight of swords - queen of swords - king of swords

Mostly used as a subdivision of the four classic greek elements (earth, fire, water, air) in western literature.