100 Ways to Get Rich


(This is not an exhaustive list. It is a list of possibilities, not of advice. Many combinations of these have been used with various degrees of success in the past, and many of the items listed have huge drawbacks. In no particular order: )

100 Ways to Get Rich

  1. Get what you want by force
  2. Use technology to leverage force
  3. Use technology to save money
  4. Use technology to save time
  5. Get political power
  6. Get corporate power
  7. Have a great career
  8. Forget about having a career
  9. Give bribes
  10. Accept bribes
  11. Make laws in your favor
  12. Change laws in your favor
  13. Get government subsidy
  14. Get bailout money (new!)
  15. Avoid taxes
  16. Spend the money of others
  17. Spend the taxpayers' money
  18. Leverage the money of others
  19. Control things
  20. Control the financial system
  21. Control people
  22. Control nations
  23. Control laws of nature (good luck!)
  24. Sell your control over something
  25. Develop self-discipline
  26. Observe
  27. Introspect
  28. Feign weakness
  29. Feign strength
  30. Create businesses
  31. Develop monopolies
  32. Franchise businesses
  33. Auction off businesses
  34. Communicate
  35. Help others
  36. Help others create businesses
  37. Become famous
  38. Find data
  39. Sell data
  40. Make information out of data
  41. Sell information
  42. Use information
  43. Leverage information
  44. Leverage money
  45. Leverage political power
  46. Be transparent
  47. Spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt)
  48. Recognize FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt)
  49. Explore the depth of human stupidity
  50. Find the comfort zone of people
  51. Find the fears of people
  52. Solve problems
  53. Create problems for others
  54. Sell solutions you already have
  55. Threaten
  56. Deceive
  57. Seduce
  58. Fulfill needs
  59. Fulfill desires
  60. Fulfill wants
  61. Create needs
  62. Create desires
  63. Create wants
  64. Buy low
  65. Sell high
  66. Fix prices
  67. Trade on the stock market
  68. Invest on the stock market
  69. Make the world a better place
  70. Use the ideas of others
  71. Use the time of others
  72. Use the skill of others
  73. Become a specialist
  74. Become a generalist
  75. Kill people
  76. Make people kill people
  77. Develop a poker face
  78. Lie and cheat
  79. Be honest
  80. Be incorruptible
  81. Be fearless
  82. Trade money for control
  83. Trade control for money
  84. Give money
  85. Take money
  86. Trust people
  87. Distrust people
  88. Set your goals
  89. Make decisions
  90. Take calculated risks
  91. Recognize bets with positive expected value
  92. Bet on stuff with positive expected value
  93. Do things others are doing better than them
  94. Be the best at something
  95. Recognize when others are best at something
  96. Better your attitude
  97. Develop a holistic approach
  98. Love what you do
  99. Do the unexpected
  100. Think outside the box


Yes to Riches   Get Rich Fast


Aeria Gloris / Yes To Riches / 100 Ways to Get Rich