To know a thing well,
know its limits. Only when pushed beyond its tolerances will
true nature be seen.
- The Amtal Rule
The Amtal Rule is my favorite. Simple, elegant and empowering.
It's a jumpstart to achieving wholeness; a pure state of thought; freedom.
Let's see what the book says:
"AMTAL or AMTAL RULE: a common rule on primitive worlds
under which something is tested to determine its limits or defects.
Commonly: testing to destruction."
- from the appendix of the first Dune book
Testing to destruction may seem primitive and
stupid, but only if the destruction is irrevocable.
We often define ourselves in relation to things
we are not (this is what I am, that is what I am not). We may
do this out of choice only, but most often this is our reaction
to the things we fear. We separate ourselves. These fears and
limitations are playing a crucial role in our perception/knowledge
of ourselves and thus, also a crucial role in how others perceive
us. We 'box up' ourselves (and others too), and think these
boxes are real and unchangeable.
You can't really determine an object's limits
and true nature until you have found your own.
Where are YOUR limits?
Are these truly your limits?
To know yourself well, know your limits. Only when pushed beyond
your tolerances will true nature be seen.
The catch is... there are no true limits!