Fear is the inability to understand/love/become one with the
object of fear.
Everything is easy to do if you know how to do it; it's the
same with overcoming fear. When you figure out your goals
and how to achieve them, the word 'effort' becomes meaningless.
So, let's take a look at the steps which lead us to fearlessness:
-Get to know your fears
-Get to know the source of your fears
-Step into the things feared
-Make the negative flow stop
-Enlighten all
It may be more accurate to think of these steps as aspects,
because the actual process of overcoming fears is simply an
elegant shift from a state of fear to the state of Oneness.
Fears are just an obstacle in your path of becoming a joyous,
radiating and powerful person. They are easy to overcome:
pay attention, avoid denying.
Ending the state of fear ends the state of fear.
Get to know your fears
Logically, to overcome your fears, you have to be aware of
their existence first.
The maximum denial and non-aware ignorance can offer you is
a kind of satisfaction of not having it worse.
Ask yourself: What is that I want?
It is important to understand your fears. If you completely
map out your fears (and fears behind fears), they lose their
power because they no longer get it from you.
After that, only a little nudge is required and they fall
Write down all your fears. Think of everything you must or
can't do.
Which people, what places, activities, situations, character
traits etc. are you afraid of? What do you like, what do you
dislike? Do you dislike because you are afraid?
What do you think where your limits are? Think BIG. Analyze
it in relation to 'Everything is possible!'
Give a definition of yourself and examine it. You can probably
find some limits implied by it.
Where are your limits?
Self-imposed laws, social laws, physical laws?
Linear thinking?
Time and space?
Do you feel that you must overcome your fear? If you
do, then it is very likely that you have another fear you
should overcome first.
Get to know the source of your fears
The state of fear is a state of limited, restricted awareness
and of limited, restricted choices. Fears try to divert you
and make you unaware of their true nature.
If you try to enlighten a fear that is not the source, it
is possible that your energy/will/focus will be diverted from
the source of fears, and the fears would continue to manipulate/backstab/steal
your energy.
If you think you can't overcome your fears however you try,
if you don't feel the bliss/joy/love/empowerment of overcoming
your limitations, don't despair. It is not wrong to feel like
that. Observe how your awareness is being diverted, and keep
Step into the things feared
This source can be perceived as a thought, a word, a darkness
drawing your energy into itself. It can also be a defiled
color, sound, movement or a place in your mind or body - a
'hole in your aura'. Find a form for it which is more Loving,
a form which would suit you better.
Without this source to rely on, the things previously under
fear will balance themselves; they will find their true selves
and become radiant.
Embrace, bless, enlighten. Vanish the illusion of separation.
What you feared until now is not separate from you.
Make the negative flow of energies stop
Gather up your courage and say 'Not anymore!'
Enlighten all
It's easy to overcome a situation in which you feel you are
powerless or not worthy enough.
You are powerful. You are worthy.
Know that. Feel it in your essence and know that this is Truth.
There's no point in wanting something you already have.
Know you are powerful and there's no stopping you!